doh (18:11:05) i'm talking about the Orange juice's Nectarine.
doh (18:08:58) You are confusing 2 Nectarine eras.
doh (18:08:09) Arab was a friend back then and we owe him a lot for what he did during several years. He got then bothered by tprobably the same kind of people thinking C64 game music isn't Scene history...
zoi (18:07:25) I love you call a ragequit shutdown
zoi (18:07:04) you might know him as neo
zoi (18:06:55) and that hacker's name? Thomas A Anderson.
doh (18:04:44) Arab's shut down is recent history. I'm talking about around ice age...
zoi (18:01:33) did they hack arab's pouet account, too?
doh (17:59:59) Afair Rapture was online when old necta got hacked by an unknown guy while claiming it on the oneliner.
mirrorbird (17:57:09) "Shame on the hacker"!
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