mirrorbird (20:07:03) using "orange" produces a big necta icon. (it's pretty dumb because it will eat any actual text in the message.) but now you know
mirrorbird (20:06:35) here's the last stupid thing, ridge, just for you: you know how to do this blue and red right? (or FAQ will tell)
mirrorbird (20:06:13) we were talking about Bjork earlier. your comment may be true of Icelanders
ridge (20:05:52) One of the twelve Norwegians on the internet.
mirrorbird (20:05:39) i should see it and think "that's Mystra"
ridge (20:05:25) Eh, close enough
mirrorbird (20:05:22) them +- flags confuse my old brain
mirrorbird (20:05:14) wait, that's the norway flag. ahahaha. sorry for offence
ridge (20:05:12) Dang, I could probably have helped
mirrorbird (20:04:55) i wish i could remember what i was asking earlier about a Danish word, there were no Danes online at the time
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