mirrorbird (22:51:18) serpent is a baby-hating christmas market driver
Rapture (22:51:10) i like da baby sounds
mirrorbird (22:51:08) of course you have a goat on the island, how else do you get your milk
Rapture (22:51:05) haha. serp HATES the jejejej .. eje .:D
mirrorbird (22:50:54) eje
Rapture (22:50:51) beaches. but sounds like bitches. and they have a GOAT.
mirrorbird (22:50:49) jejeje je je je je jejejeje
mirrorbird (22:50:39) summer 1994 in Ontario "changed my life for the rest of my life" (cy.jeff)
Rapture (22:50:38) "we like da bitches!" (lyrics on banana boat 3)
mirrorbird (22:50:17) anyway HD knows what the damn boat looks like
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