Rapture (01:41:42) hehe, very german
Rapture (01:41:39) well i watch enough non-cartoons. don't put ppl in kartons
Rapture (01:40:50) bye mirror o/
Rapture (01:40:44) i mean epic cool
mirrorbird (01:40:37) anywya. gotta run. love you. bye bye for now
Rapture (01:40:34) but it's too serious
Rapture (01:40:32) when the wind blows for example
Rapture (01:40:03) i think there are a handful (adult cartoons). but yo.
mirrorbird (01:40:00) just watch some good films.
mirrorbird (01:39:51) but alas you probably think Hitchcock is boring bc there wasn't a cartoon fox in the first 3 minutes?
Time Left: 3:35
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