d_vibe (08:40:52) Thanks!
zoi (08:40:52) I think I've brought them here to schweden with me.
zoi (08:40:43) coolio. I'll dig through my stash today and let you know what I have
d_vibe (08:40:24) zoi: oh, yes, if that's possible!
zoi (08:39:35) so, did you want a disk drive+
mirrorbird (08:39:23) i'm telling your bosses
d_vibe (08:36:13) and that is beautiful
zoi (08:30:43) in sweden we go to work, but we don't actually work. we just fika.
mirrorbird (08:30:10) the french train people don't go on strike. strike is the default state, they occasionally go on work
zoi (08:29:27) also they close the bridge to denmark if it's too windy
Time Left: 5:09
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