mirrorbird (22:22:07) sounds a bit like Rambo!
Agemixer (22:21:40) Mirr: Okay then let's fix tht...
Rapture (22:21:37) mili atari
Rapture (22:21:30) haha in military
mirrorbird (22:21:18) Age: i haven't heard of it
mirrorbird (22:21:10) (1960s Python sketch where a joke is so funny that people die laughing. so they use it in the military)
Agemixer (22:20:55) Mirror: Did you saw the SISU the movie? 8-)
mirrorbird (22:20:49) The Funniest Joke in the World
Agemixer (22:20:33) That actually reminds me...
Rapture (22:20:29) well not me, leave me out
Time Left: 3:06
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