Rapture (23:24:03) arra is cool on rev
mirrorbird (23:24:00) i'm squirking
Rapture (23:23:49) well i dont need them so bad
Rapture (23:23:46) not?
Rapture (23:23:35) strike "non"
mirrorbird (23:23:35) you're not going to get them from me
Rapture (23:23:28) haha whatta word.
Rapture (23:23:21) are there photos floating about, in the interet cloud of nonsenselessness?
mirrorbird (23:23:20) yeah man he lives in a frucking castle
mirrorbird (23:23:11) he should do a necta party, i'd go to Castle Arra for a party.
Time Left: 2:06
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