and offkey vocals with some errors in the lyrics in ONE wav, copy/paste it from OTHER wave to the FIRST, to correct it. outta tune correct them. take out da SSSS with de-esser plug.
i have to contact the orchstral lib makers and ask why they crash with cubase. can't work unprofesinally like that.
I bet you have angriness and stress like that sometimes, too.
yeah well if you send me the vocals CORRECLTLY without me having to correct them then I COULD work faster !!!!!!!
Do you know that mirror, too, like "mirror, well you need more routine in the new code. work harder, faster, and correcter!"
and the vocals I have to align to the song are outta tune. have to correct them first. but I have to work fast. it's really unnerving.
pff... orchestral libraries are crashing in cubase and take away many resources