arrakis (18:23:26) Change border color ?
arrakis (18:23:20) 1=blanc?
Rapture (18:23:13) what happens arra?
arrakis (18:23:11) Twin sid
Rapture (18:23:10) POKE53281,1
arrakis (18:23:08) ah ok Agemixer are ya using biSID?
Rapture (18:23:03) YEPPO
arrakis (18:22:54) yeahhh rapture your easyBasicCoder
Agemixer (18:22:49) there are several ways to produce c64 reset signal, i made mine with userport signal and protected switch only, wires next to keyboard extra circuitry
Rapture (18:22:29) arra
Time Left: 3:07
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