mirrorbird (21:31:54) so
mirrorbird (21:31:47) then SYS 49152? it shows the instructions again
Agemixer (21:31:42) ,8,1 !!!
Agemixer (21:31:32) yeah it has some intelligence it doesnt play if tye settings are incorrect for music
mirrorbird (21:31:24) then NEW, then LOAD the tune,8
mirrorbird (21:30:41) ok! this time i got the driver instructions
Agemixer (21:30:30) mirror heh yeah. not necessarily PC powerbutton is enough to fully powerup and have an app open up automagically
mirrorbird (21:29:45) ok final attempt
HappyDude (21:29:26) Return of the Winter
mirrorbird (21:29:15) haha. reminds me of: "why do you have to type USR 0 before running demos on a Speccy?" -- "YOU JUST DO"
Time Left: 2:59
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