Rapture (20:30:52) was good weather. but my psycho probs got totally in the way, lets say it like that.
Rapture (20:30:39) nooo.. hmm.. too personal to say
mirrorbird (20:30:35) Sturm und Drang?
mirrorbird (20:30:17) why? mud and rain?
Rapture (20:30:11) tomorrow cycling again and how was your day?
Rapture (20:30:03) cycle: well more like walking and pushing the bike today
Rapture (20:29:37) still laughing here. nice oneliner talking.
mirrorbird (20:29:36) did you cycle today?
Rapture (20:29:13) haha ok
mirrorbird (20:29:00) well i'm not gonna get into that, i think the tune is "hummable" ok
Time Left: 8:59
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