Rapture (14:28:03) we germans have funny names for animals. like wash-bears = raccoons. cuz they look like they wash stuff on their cute bellies in the water.
mirrorbird (14:27:56) cute bug eyes? kindchenschema kinnas
Rapture (14:27:27) god-worshippers, straight translatings
Rapture (14:26:44) ah.. praying mantis (female for us germans)
Rapture (14:26:34) a bit like gottesanbeterinnen
Rapture (14:26:25) https://bugguide.net quite sexy eyes they have
mirrorbird (14:25:09) Belostomatidae the "toe-biters"!!!
mirrorbird (14:23:36) psychic prediction of mouse position
mirrorbird (14:23:24) mouse click handler was set up as a lambda, and it captured the state at the time of setup. scoping bullshit
zoi (14:23:18) sounds like someone did their own clipboard thing in the javascripts
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