noodi10 (21:26:11) so einbisschen, ja
Rapture (21:25:53) yo birdie is drunken. nonsensical a bit a bit to you noodie ?
noodi10 (21:25:51) viel glueck bein composen
noodi10 (21:25:39) schrei mal wenn was ist
Rapture (21:25:08) prowler thanks !!!
noodi10 (21:23:14) rappa you need me to slap some sense into birdie
prowler (21:22:26) Don't give up *.xm work thou, I think those tunes from you still is some of your best work
prowler (21:21:40) Right, I don't use those prgm....
Rapture (21:21:08) Thanks prowler! But Cubase is not tracking, but.. yeah what is it? normalo composing?
prowler (21:19:48) Good tracking Rapture!
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