mirrorbird (21:54:00) Poland is cool.
faraday (21:53:31) exactly. Please be gentle
mirrorbird (21:53:31) UNRELATEDLY hi Thexy
mirrorbird (21:53:05) can i make an Orban joke -- oh -- wait no we have to be nice here
mirrorbird (21:52:43) Polish momentum. towards the catholic right-wing i would imagine :>
faraday (21:51:50) Our Newest User: flagMomentvm
mirrorbird (21:45:45) Platon42 - Code, Graphics, Music. Prowler - Graphics (Face of Sexy Woman)
mirrorbird (21:21:04) /!\ explicit flat-worldism
mirrorbird (21:19:59) as soon as i heard "graviTHee" i knew who was singing
mirrorbird (21:19:49) lol Kangaroo Musique
Time Left: 2:45
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