codehead (12:09:37) they store like GIGS of data yo!
codehead (12:09:32) you seen the new DVDs?!
Rapture (12:09:25) for better FLAC compatiblity cool edit is too old for that.FUCK IT!
Rapture (12:09:07) well, audacity, yo
Rapture (12:09:01) i use version 1.5 and i don't need anything else
Rapture (12:08:50) whatta? I thought it's the newest shit
LittleWhite (12:08:35) Is Adobe Audition still a thing? I have opened it once, like 20 years ago
Rapture (12:08:32) haha that jingle yo
Rapture (12:08:09) but only 1.5 is cool enough
Rapture (12:08:05) yes it's called now adobe audition
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