mirrorbird (18:15:49) the Apple II has a Reset key similar to that C64 interrupt key thingy
Rapture (18:15:43) https://fontmeme.com
Agemixer (18:14:18) (haven't checked tho except the Ultima game charset)
Rapture (18:13:47) joes, yes, it's from pumuckl.
Agemixer (18:13:35) is there rune code btw.
Rapture (18:13:35) https://fontmeme.com
joes (18:12:43) that font looks kinda Jugendstil
Rapture (18:12:02) Age o/
Rapture (18:11:53) https://fontmeme.com
Agemixer (18:11:51) Rap: Just a stupid cook joke. CUL8r rap
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