arrakis (18:30:06) Use SYS64738
arrakis (18:30:02) 10 print chr$(205.5+rnd(1)); 20 goto 10
mirrorbird (18:29:58) 5 SIDs should be enough for anybody (truth)
Agemixer (18:29:44) arrakis: So 15 gatebit (=synth key) leds or red/green
arrakis (18:29:29) are ya a coder?
arrakis (18:29:13) 5 SID ?? Wow you can make miracle with that hardware+sampled drums
Rapture (18:29:09) hurlia
arrakis (18:28:50) Schnaps
arrakis (18:28:42) d' Winprob
mirrorbird (18:28:40) schnapps is ?
Time Left: 9:09
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