Rapture (18:56:15) arra will die
arrakis (18:56:09) Rapture i already did
Rapture (18:56:00) you will die of goose eating
Rapture (18:55:55) arra suxx
arrakis (18:55:53) Rapture : i hope so !!!
Rapture (18:55:52) than most humans. DONT EAT FOIS GRAS IT'S BRUTAL
arrakis (18:55:46) and Chapon CHAMPAGNE
Rapture (18:55:45) arra that's brutal. geese are more intelligent than you.
arrakis (18:55:41) SAUMON Gravelax
arrakis (18:55:36) in France : FOIE GRAS
Time Left: 2:41
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