HexaDecimator (01:52:35) RIP techno dungeon
juN3bula (01:50:56)
HaCKa (01:43:04)
mirrorbird (01:15:12) file away with the 42rpm record
mirrorbird (01:15:01) (btw who the hell records stuff at 168 kbps 168??)
mirrorbird (01:14:28) i'm glad one staff on this site is awake
mirrorbird (01:13:42) and the correctly credited one is "moved" status.
mirrorbird (01:13:35) lol OH, look what i just noticed Turrican OST - Techno Dungeon and Techno Dungeon are the same
mirrorbird (01:12:41) "00 - Playlist.m3u" now that's weird, you don't number your playlist like it's a track. 00 is for the hidden CD track if you hit Rewind on track 1.
mirrorbird (01:11:40) HE'S GONE
Time Left: 8:21
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