faraday (20:29:09) glop glop
zoi (20:28:58) yes, we have two bitches
mirrorbird (20:28:27) unless you meant your two bitches
mirrorbird (20:28:04) you have dogs, doncha? you mentioned more than one dog in your snowy holiday cabin
mirrorbird (20:27:49) yes. something i'd really like to show you and can't. (not my dick. relates to LD50s)
zoi (20:27:46) sometimes one, sometimes a metric shitload
mirrorbird (20:27:35) haha.
mirrorbird (20:27:22) i have that gene, now you know why i am so excited about my frozen grapes
zoi (20:27:19) the don't know why raisins are bad, and they don't even know the ld50
mirrorbird (20:26:35) bad for cats too, but cats wouldn't eat chocolate, they don't have the "eat everything next to my mouth" Pac-Man gene
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