LittleWhite (20:17:54) You are a pro zoi
LittleWhite (20:17:33)
zoi (20:16:25) last few times the demo has even been ready before the party even statred
zoi (20:16:07) but I've gotten better at deadlines!
mirrorbird (20:15:56) a couple of hours to decompress? must be Farbrausch
zoi (20:15:44) some parties can be pretty lenient with letting you update your entry until the last second
LittleWhite (20:10:20) "usually"
zoi (20:09:02) well you usually have at least a couple of hours to decompress between deadline and compo
LittleWhite (20:08:15) the last, but the best time you see your prod
LittleWhite (20:08:01) I think seeing it on the bigscreen is rewarding
Time Left: 8:25
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