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AMIGA-MODDiu-di-daa-dam-daa by flag Beathawk (Sami A. Kiviniemi)
Requested By: flagfranz_opa

Time Left: 0:57

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Info for tag(s) "shout"

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[+] 1990 , [+] 1994 , [+] 2003 , [+] 2010 , [+] Airhorn , [+] Bass , [+] Cacophony , [+] Chipmunk , [+] Christmas , [+] Claps , [+] CommercialSamples , [+] Compowinner , [+] Coop , [+] Cowbell , [+] DanishSpeak , [+] Demo , [+] Gabber , [+] GameRemix , [+] HappyHardcore , [+] herewego , [+] hitme , [+] joke , [+] Kindergarden , [+] long , [+] lowfi , [+] Lyrics-Incomplete , [+] medley , [+] noise , [+] Parody , [+] polarizing , [+] Remix , [+] RussianSpeak , [+] samples , [+] scratching , [+] Speak , [+] TV , [+] Video , [+] Vocals , [+] Yeah

Songs connected to tags

Song Title Artist Song Length Status Vote Queue Last Request
AMIGA-MODDancefloor Act (cut version) Have video flag Jack (Oliver Acker) 5:08 Active * 1.9 Log in to queue 2024-08-04
PC (other)Deine Liebe flag Scamp (Simon Kissel) GroupBaSShuT 4:02 Active 1.9 Log in to queue 2024-12-24
AMIGA-MODHardcore flag Bosco (Philippe Devauvre) 3:54 Rejected 2.3 l Locked 2022-03-20
In Loving Memory of Tapsa the Squirrel flag Phaser (Simo Virokannas) 3:25 Active 4.5 l Locked 2025-01-15
In Soviet Odessa, Rome Styles You Explicit content flag Esicroxe , flag Muibohp 3:26 Active 2.2 l Locked 2025-01-13
AMIGA-MODPink Panther Mix flag X-Poole (Marco Willemsen) GroupNuance [NCE] 6:46 Active 1.8 Log in to queue 2024-05-28
PC (other)Zelda Medley flag Derris-Kharlan (Nathan) 11:18 Rejected 3.9 l Locked 2019-09-14