Rapture (12:11:06) we are no gods to decide over it
Rapture (12:10:59) they have the right to live life to the fullest
Rapture (12:10:53) result is same
Rapture (12:10:50) no
zoi (12:10:46) it makes it a lot better
Rapture (12:10:40) DEAD IS DEAD
Rapture (12:10:38) that is true. but doesn't make it much better
zoi (12:10:24) I think the ducks I get from the lake had a better life than the chicken in the supermarket freezer
Rapture (12:10:06) will reach out to ppl for demo insertions
Rapture (12:09:57) quasi unreleased/unknown
Time Left: 3:35
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