
User Profile For AndersArrenius
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Member Since: June 24, 2010
5 Uploads, 53 Votes, Spoken 0 Times.
Last Login: December 4, 2014

Public information
Favorite old school: Jogeir Liljedahl (Discovered the ingenuity of mods listening to Guitar slinger way back when.)
Favorite scener of all times: Hunz (Wonderful, inspirational true artist!)
Name: Anders Arrenius
Nationality: Swedish
Previous Handles: Zzap, Amigajoe, Anders Akerheden <- old last name
Music (tracking): Since early 1990s
Coding experience: Basic
Demos: None worth remembering
Activity level: Fluctuating
Previous group affiliations: Spectre (Amiga), PFS (PC), Nebula (PC), Third eye (PC)
Current group affiliations: None
Misc: Ran Heavenly Music Compo with my wife and frequented Trax in Space back in the days.
Have moved on to more more mainstream genres, but as far as I'm concerned anything goes as long as it's done with finesse.
One of my mainstream jazzy projects: