
User Profile For Cruderiel

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Member Since: October 14, 2024
0 Uploads, 77 Votes, Spoken 0 Times.
Last Login: March 8, 2025

Public information
I am currently thinking about a blog somewhere, and don't sure, but a youtube channel. . .
I don't know what to add here.Oh,of Course!I am composing music for myself,but i haven't published it's somewhere yet, heh. . .
E Q U I P M E N T :
An Original Game Boy Advance(With orig Screen, yes i know that everyone is replacing it with IPS ones, but i think everyone who thinks the screen is bad, just having a SKILL ISSUE, imho),
Yamaha DX21 Keyboard(Meanwhile,i am trying to compose songs with some software, FL Studio,Trackers,Etc. ),
PSP(Have issues, broken screen and no charger unit, but i think i can find the replacements), and a old N3DS.
That's a hardware that currently in my posession. Actually, i don't know what should write here.