mirrorbird (07:12:29) a good mystery comment
mirrorbird (07:12:06) and there's nothing relevant in CopyForm. i may never know what the 'other reason' was
Agemixer (07:12:01) d_vibe
mirrorbird (07:11:49) // to prevent confusion with suffixes; BUT see also CopyForm for another reason why
d_vibe (07:11:16) I need
Agemixer (07:09:37) i'm preparing for car repairs
mirrorbird (07:08:49) need to do a bit o' shopping in 2 hrs when places open
mirrorbird (07:08:35) woke up at midnight. the day shall end at midday
d_vibe (07:07:33) Moin hypafriyay
HexaDecimator (07:02:19) oh wow you all are up early!
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