Rapture (12:36:33) what means ?
d_vibe (12:35:46) Zoi is a gåsapåge
Rapture (12:11:37)
Rapture (12:11:36) goose beaks and ducks bills are so round and cozy to feel, lol
Rapture (12:11:27) the beaks of chicken are so pointy and and sharp, whatta
Rapture (12:11:09) i wonder where the turkeys are though
Rapture (12:09:13) at white goose place, I can now feed da runner ducks, geese, hens and even da big roosters who were shy at first
Rapture (12:08:41) \o/
HaCKa (12:06:08) Fabs, coli o/
d_vibe (12:06:07) oy
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