mirrorbird (23:34:36) nobody has commented but it's a cover of Marble Garden
Rapture (23:34:33) haha. nope.
Oldchap (23:34:29) Yes
mirrorbird (23:34:11) recognise this tune?
Rapture (23:34:08) that sonic 3 bonus round is strange. bouncin arouind 1 second, then out. hm. thumbs down.
mirrorbird (23:34:01) it's a mystery of the software industry
mirrorbird (23:33:53) by a strange coincidence, games you played in the 90s are COOL and EASY, and every game later than that was made HARD and ARRO
Rapture (23:33:35) loraxxing
Rapture (23:33:32) arf
Rapture (23:33:31) from sonic 3 and on - I'M OUT
Time Left: 1:42