Rapture (15:35:46) text to image: e-guitar playing egyptian goose.
mirrorbird (15:35:41) you've said some of em have migrated
Rapture (15:35:33) e-guitar shall not be conFUZZLED with e-geese
mirrorbird (15:35:31) what's the weather like there? are you getting big rainstorms like here?
Rapture (15:35:21) haha electric geese
Rapture (15:35:12) hahaha yeppo
mirrorbird (15:35:06) cybergoose
mirrorbird (15:35:03) i laugh becaus you said e-guitar before e-geese, i know it's Egyptian, but now i always imagine some kind of online electric goose
Rapture (15:34:48) into my curicullum goose vitae
Rapture (15:34:41) I'd totally write: goose experience since 2011
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