lmms has its own windows vst bridging?
I mean all-native (no.wrappers) but i assume that wpuld be impossible for all the types. (Made for other DAWs and not within 100% on standards, if there even is any)
So i don't know the current status (again) but it could be the nightlys are native VST supports by now. IDK sorry (i just havent checked yet)
Btw the vst support was borked for long time. Itturned out a Wine issue most of the time. Now the nightlys, most VST types (and lv2 etc) should work, and they have been hard working for a more native vst supports...
No that hassle with LMMS atleast.
Of course most composers, i guess, once bought one, gets some benefits so the nextvversion is cheaper or some special offer, i'm quite sure
Best thing, there's no stupid track or mixer bus etc limits like the costful DAWs have