Stinsen (21:13:20) Age... associated with mostly bad things, but i guess wisdom too?
Agemixer (21:12:58) Stinsen:How is it horrible
Agemixer (21:12:32) (short movies)
Stinsen (21:12:24) A horrible nick really "age", but what can we short it to hehe
Stinsen (21:11:42) Hey age
Agemixer (21:11:36) Stinsen!
Agemixer (21:11:27) Too bad i can't share those vids we made at workplace..
Stinsen (21:10:56) Get ready!
Agemixer (20:38:03) Rap: did you check the wild vid?
Agemixer (20:37:15) in as many situations as possible
Time Left: 5:35