juN3bula (14:00:56) when you listen with children
zoi (14:00:41) they got Al Lowe to play it that one time
d_vibe (14:00:34) Is it true that Jorma is a name that is associated with what you just talked about?
juN3bula (13:59:58) ebin stuff man
d_vibe (13:59:44) now it was even funnier
d_vibe (13:59:33) Sounds funny even though I don't understans
juN3bula (13:59:32) it meen in finnish: They say I have a big dick Lalalalal
zoi (13:59:29) JA TOTTAHAN SE ON!
d_vibe (13:59:14)
juN3bula (13:59:09) lyrics
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