d_vibe (08:56:06)
Momentvm (08:55:26) well, it looks a lot like the inside of soviet era block of flats. No right angle to be found anywhere
d_vibe (08:53:04) xD
mirrorbird (08:52:56) it's AI. everything i am unfamiliar with is AI, makes life much easier
d_vibe (08:52:32) https://calatrava.com
mirrorbird (08:52:25) https://upload.wikimedia.org
mirrorbird (08:52:04) hmm "pre-leaning", a construction technique unknown to Bonanno Pisano
Momentvm (08:51:33) show us!
d_vibe (08:50:51) Turning Torso in Malmö is pretty wild aswell
d_vibe (08:50:29)
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