For a shiny reflecting metal object on a space, you don't need the texture data even, only the bump information. Then the sun and other sources are reflected only, and dark sides are complete dark.
(the amount of required pixels to be updated for screen)
so the required amount of iterations are of a screen size at maximum.
And for each visible plot in screen, not for the texture actually. The object angles comes out as an offset multiplier to original texture data instead of doing waste time calculations for texture plots that would never hut the screen anyway.
without Having precalced textureS.
without precalculated texture angles, i guess that's the fastest way to process it.
"simple" as that in the end. then it is uust about few lookups for that texture and plot
light data that reflects on that bump. You only need that 4th table of offswt for lookup, and multiplu that brightness info with the current pixel colour you process
add sinus multiplier (or sinus lookup table or sth) for that angle, it comes out as X and Y points of offset from that point you going to calculate. So the final 4th texture table defines just offsets where to look at the surrounding texture the light
So the delta is the difference between heights, you can make a 3rd texture of that height delta info, it defines a reflection angle