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SID (6581/8580)Uncensored (part 1) Have video by flag Dane (Stellan Andersson)
Requested By: flagStinsen
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Time Left: 7:15

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User Profile For p2k

[p2k's Avatar]
flag Coding for life... always moving ahead...

Member Since: August 14, 2010
0 Uploads, 15 Votes, Spoken 19 Times.
Last Login: April 26, 2019
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Public information

I'm still standing at the open door to the scene, hesitating to take the next step...

When my time comes, I'll be writing a demo tool (called ":construct") that comes with its own programming language (":cpl" - construct programming language) and a virtual machine on which it is implemented. Thus, all demos produced with it will run on any platform to which the VM can be ported.
The demo tool will also feature a modular soft synth (called "KTE") written by me.
Eventually I will found the demo group "puls:r", if I manage to gather some people around me.

It's only a matter of time when my dream becomes reality...