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even the NMI is a bit borked -- and that takes us back to conversation of a few weeks ago
the Speccy has a pretty strong track record of adding support for future features, but with hopeless bugs, so later workarounds are required. ha ha. cheap and delicious like a kebab
there is also some commodore harddisk drive too. cant remember the product number was ut just 50 megabytes or something..
yes that is possible but. 1541 drive always generates a basic file so your program needs to parse it anyway for screen as you wish it lookalike
"some day we will have mass storage!"
though at the time they didn't know how they would work
i never tried it but i think my old +D might have supported something like: CAT #2;1 (send the catalogue directly to the printer). not sure tho. also they did build those commands into the original basic
max 144 files will fit in one floppy (18 directry blocks)
hmm -- i was thinking "couldn't you 'stream' the catalogue, like a data file", but i guess you would have to write lots of long commands to actually initiate that
one block. (8files in one).. it just converts it to basic for c64, on a fly