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Off-topic » Birth-DAY+First Computer owning

Pages: 1
Author Thread
Amiga&C64 rulez

299 Posts
#1153 (4 years, 9 months ago)
I start so:

Arrakis - 3/29/71 (XX century), first computer : C64 in 1983. Before had Intellivision console.

338 Posts
#1154 (4 years, 9 months ago)
I was born in 1981, and my dad bought an Atari 520ST in 1988. He liked it so much he bought a 1040ST the following year, with a 50MB hard drive (that was the size of 50 floppies, lol, actually bigger). He only ever did "word processing" on it though.
Steadily at the low level

78 Posts
#1155 (4 years, 9 months ago)
Amiga 500 in 1988 when I wasn't yet in the school
Amiga&C64 rulez

299 Posts
#1156 (4 years, 9 months ago)
Nice Nygen and Frana ! Others were not born anyway?
All I ever wanted was some Sunshine.

89 Posts
#1161 (4 years, 8 months ago)
Way back in the XX century.

1983. First computer was an already very old 8088 in the early 1990s. Missed out on everything cool.
symptomless coma

424 Posts
#1262 (4 years, 7 months ago)
Let's see...

Born in 1980.
~1984,5? We would play on some kid's Colecovision before school. And we had an ancient TV Pong game (I always forget which one: it had radio-style dials/knobs to move the paddles). And at school there was some "educational" software on the BBC Micro -- this continued into the early '90s, since all schools had invested in BBCs.
1986: Father bought a Spectrum to see what the computing revolution was about
Early '90s: Picked up lots of cheap second-hand computers from car-boot sales etc. I had a BBC, Amstrad CPC, any number of Speccies, a broken ZX81. Somehow never touched a C64. We also got a very old 286 PC from father's friend and I was disappointed that it wouldn't run Commander Keen (because it had no graphics card of any kind).
1996: Proper multimedia PC with a CD-ROM drive and horrible smeary inkjet printer (Lexmark ColorFine 2). Still no Internet. Also had to get a graphics calculator for maths at school, which was (barely) programmable, so I made extremely tiny games for it.

338 Posts
#1263 (4 years, 7 months ago)
What model was your calculator? At my school we were told to buy Texas Instruments TI-82, but the cool kids bought TI-85 because it could be hacked to run arbitrary assembly code (i.e., games). Even cooler kids (a.k.a., me and my friends) later moved on to the HP48 series, which turned the coolness factor up to 11 with stack-based RPN programming language and even more fabulous assembly hacks. The programming manual was a hot item for awhile, as we only had one between us, and it got passed around like a porn mag. Ah! to be young again...
symptomless coma

424 Posts
#1264 (4 years, 7 months ago)
I can't remember the model, but it wasn't a fancy one where you could do "proper" programming like the TI. There was a very minimal BASIC-type language with about five or ten operators: you basically just got print, input, output, random, and number variables (print was an arrow symbol) -- the only graphics you could do was graphing a formula/curve. Only a few KB of memory. So my games were stuff like "run the kingdom by setting food and tax values every year", etc.

I also had a little Tandy EC-320 personal organiser, which was quite fun (proper little QWERTY keyboard) but again wasn't programmable. You could store notes and reminders in it though.

55 Posts
#1265 (4 years, 7 months ago)
Serpent - 22/06/76 (XX century), first computer : C64 in 1984/85 (Christmas 84?). Before had Phillips Videopac console.

12 Posts
#1266 (4 years, 7 months ago)
Born in 81, first computer was A500 sometime around 1988. Mainly used it for games and WordPerfect. Recently I was going through a stack of old floppies and found Draw 2000 files of my old family kitchen from when my dad was remodeling it.
Amiga&C64 rulez

299 Posts
#1272 (4 years, 7 months ago)
Serp born on 23 of June.
Pages: 1

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