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General » Replacing (???) a tune

Pages: 1
Author Thread
Casual Guy

38 Posts
#1776 (2 years, 11 months ago)
Greetings. This thread is about the song I Would Like a Fika.
I've been looking for the source of this track and recently, Ziphoid from Scenesat provided me with this version of the track. (If the link will be reported as broken, I will change it ASAP)

I've noticed, that the one uploaded on necta sounds different from the one I've sent above. The different details (from the one I've been provided with) include :
No vinyl recording like noise in the background
No glitch-like loops in the middle-near the end of the track
No weird percussion in the end.

Also I'd like to add that the song might need re-encoding. So I'm not sure if it's a subject of replacing a song or no.
What do you think?
Casual Guy

38 Posts
#1777 (2 years, 11 months ago)
UPDATE : I've contacted Ziphoid, who provided me with the source track. This is what he's said :


348 Posts
#1778 (2 years, 11 months ago)
I'm curious about one thing - why does our version have extra sounds, especially the percussion? Who added that?
Casual Guy

38 Posts
#1779 (2 years, 11 months ago)
I have no idea, to be honest, It's up to the one who uploaded the track, though the info does not mention anyone. The source sounds 100 times better without those sounds, I think...
Pages: 1

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