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Off-topic » Demos where you could type

Pages: 1
Author Thread
symptomless coma

426 Posts
#489 (5 years, 9 months ago)
Which demos allowed you to type something, and responded to the text somehow, instead of just "press space for next part"?

I can remember a few from the Speccy:
* "Geography" was a demo that showed country maps and listed the known sceners in those countries. IIRC you did this by typing the country name. I remember Poland played some very gloomy music and the scroller talked about the scourge of Catholicism.
* "No-Nazis" let you edit the scroller and add your name as an anti-fascist (wow! it was Twitter 20 years early), and then send the demo on to other people. I thought that adding oneself to a scroller was the coolest thing in the world. My dad wasn't so sure, thinking it might bring political protesters to the door.
* There was a demo where, instead of showing all the greets, you typed your name, and it would either show you a personal greeting, or nothing if you were a sucky lamer. What was that demo? Possibly part of the MQM 5 megademo.
symptomless coma

426 Posts
#696 (5 years, 7 months ago)
Pages: 1

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