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General » Nectarine musicdisk (A500)

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10 Posts
#784 (5 years, 7 months ago)
Hi all, I'm planning a musicdisk on the Nectarine label. It will be for Amiga 500 and feature mods made with Pretracker: If you don't know it already, this is a new tracker made by Pink/Abyss, somewhat based on AHX, and released earlier this year. You run it on Windows, and then the music runs on Amiga. So no need to mess with emulators or old hw.

I've been speaking to some musicians, and there seems to be enough interest, so the project will go forward. Code will be done by me, and Prowler has agreed to do the graphics. Music will be done by our dear local talent (that's YOU!), and maybe one or two guest stars. Since Pretracker mods are quite small, we can fit in a good number of tunes if necessary.

I know lots of people are busy during summer, so the deadline for tunes will be set to SEPTEMBER 30th, 2 months from now (and even after my vacation). That should be plenty of time for everyone I hope...Then release date shortly after that. More details to be determined as we go along...

So if you want to make a tune (or 3) for this, please reply below here, send me a PM, or just send the tune if you prefer to let your music do the talking.


55 Posts
#789 (5 years, 7 months ago)
Heya Nos,

can you make a dropbox folder of this so everyone interested (and who was dropbox account, get it then if not) can send their email to you in PM for invitation, so we could exchange instruments etc with ease?
What is your function in life?

10 Posts
#790 (5 years, 7 months ago)
Yep, it's done, and I sent you a link. Everyone else who's interested, PM me your email and I'll share it. Again, there is no obligation, maybe you just want to see others' work and perhaps get inspired?

Coding is moving forward, maybe this weekend I'll have a proper prototype to send to Prowler so we can get some proper graphics.

16 Posts
#794 (5 years, 7 months ago)
Thanks for sharing!

I've been trying to get a grasp of Pretracker the last few days and I'm starting to like it

55 Posts
#854 (5 years, 5 months ago)
Ok a tune (1) will be ready by the deadline

How are other's going? I know some people already handed tune(s).
shyce :alien:

10 Posts
#855 (5 years, 5 months ago)

87 Posts
#857 (5 years, 5 months ago)
I'll also have one tune ready.
shyce :alien:

10 Posts
#859 (5 years, 5 months ago)
@nosfe, please check the file dates before adding them to the musicdisk xD because i updated them many times. But no further updates now, its all done.
@mystra, cool
What is your function in life?

10 Posts
#860 (5 years, 5 months ago)
I was thinking we could have a (self) quality assurance round where everyone makes sure their tunes are OK in the final product, seeing as it's a new tracker and there might still be bugs in the replay... As was the case in Preschool #2

I'm on vacation now, but getting back on Monday and I'll pick up the coding again. Prowler is a bit busy and the graphics are not ready yet, so we'll release "When it's done"

BTW I invited Pink to contribute a tune as guest of honor, but he didn't have the time. He's happy that we're using his software though!
shyce :alien:

10 Posts
#864 (5 years, 5 months ago)
oki, maybe in future projects Pink will be on board i thought the same thing with the replay because of 2 different systems etc

16 Posts
#865 (5 years, 5 months ago)
Gonna have one song finished til deadline

I started another one, but not sure how that will turn out.
What is your function in life?

10 Posts
#880 (5 years, 5 months ago)
A first testversion is available in the shared folder. Requires A500 with 1MB mem for now. There are still a lot of bugs and no proper graphics, but you should be able to listen to all the tunes at least. Let me know if something sounds off. And I have to say, all the tunes sound very nice to my ears!
shyce :alien:

10 Posts
#881 (5 years, 5 months ago)
i have tested it on winfellow. the music seems to be oki
looking forward, nice work


55 Posts
#882 (5 years, 5 months ago)
Tested with WinUAE, own tune at least sounds as good or bad as it should, nice precalc effect/idea

3 Posts
#883 (5 years, 5 months ago)
Great work so far! Even the placeholders looks pretty cool

What I noticed:
In my song the snare seems to be missing the punch in some cases in the second part.
Pages: 1 2

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