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In Compilations: Compilation SOUNDSHOCK 2: FM FUNK TERRROR!!

Time Left: 5:10

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Compilation Compilation: Bitjam Podcast #48

Compilation Summary:
Name: Bitjam Podcast #48
Label: Bitfellas: Bitjam Podcast
Running Time: 42:12
Media Type: MP3 / CUE
Additional Info: Details Page
Download Link: Download Info

Added On: 20 Oct. 2010
By: flagLittleWhite

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Compilation Details For Bitjam Podcast #48:

01. Nagz - A Voy egy buzi
02. Quasian - Second time
03. Zauron - Salvation
04. C.C.Catch - Sacred grounds
05. Yolk and Legend - Eyegaboom
06. Necros - Babylon
07. Ryan Cramer - The sky of motion
08. Purple Motion - Starshine
09. Jugi - Nagual dance
10. Siren and Sirrus - Dreams untrue
11. Kvazar - Spirit
12. Swallow and Illusion - Elektron (Oat meal)

Compilation Artists: flag C.C. Catch (Kenny Chow) flag Illusion (Sami Liuski) flag Jugi (Jukka Kaartinen) flag KvAzAr (Három István) flag Legend (Jarno Kilpiä) flag Nagz (David Halmi) flag Necros (Andrew Sega) flag Purple Motion (Jonne Valtonen) flag Quasian (Pasi Kainiemi) flag Ryan Cramer (Ryan J. Cramer) flag Siren (Alexander Brandon) flag Sirrus (Bryan Rudge) flag Swallow (Janne Laitinen) flag Yolk (Mikko Karvonen) flag Zauron (Gustav Espenes)

Songs In This Production (12 Total) :

PC-XMA Voy egy buzi Explicit content by flag Nagz (David Halmi) Log in to queue
PC-S3MStarshine by flag Purple Motion (Jonne Valtonen) l Locked
Spirit Have video by flag KvAzAr (Három István) Log in to queue
PC-ITSecond Time by flag Quasian (Pasi Kainiemi) Log in to queue
PC-ITSalvation by flag Zauron (Gustav Espenes) Log in to queue
PC-S3M[Xixit] Sacred Grounds by flag C.C. Catch (Kenny Chow) Log in to queue
AMIGA-MODNagual Dance Have video by flag Jugi (Jukka Kaartinen) Log in to queue
AMIGA-MODEyegabo0om Have video by flag Legend (Jarno Kilpiä) , flag Yolk (Mikko Karvonen) Log in to queue
Elektron by flag Illusion (Sami Liuski) , flag Swallow (Janne Laitinen) Log in to queue
PC-ITDreams Untrue by flag Siren (Alexander Brandon) , flag Sirrus (Bryan Rudge) Log in to queue
PC-S3MBabylon Have video by flag Necros (Andrew Sega) Log in to queue
AMIGA-MODThe Sky of Motion Have video by flag Ryan Cramer (Ryan J. Cramer) Log in to queue

Production Notes:

Mixing by Vincenzo, jingle by Buzzer, logo #48 by KF, big thank you goes to ALecs and Bobic for their ideas and help!

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