Rapture (01:08:02) colidace o/
Rapture (01:04:40) s
Rapture (01:04:38) greeting
Rapture (01:01:24) how are ya edlin
edlinfan (01:00:49) i see
Rapture (01:00:35) wiimote is so silly
Rapture (01:00:23) no way to play true wii games with a cabled gamepad? That wireless stuff is annoying, only eating up batteries
Rapture (00:59:54) edlin Yes but only for playing game cube games on the wii (afaik)
edlinfan (00:59:05) Rapture i think the wii may have been the one compatible with the gamecube controller?
Rapture (23:42:56) crazy times
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