
Song Information
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1997 Dream Gamemusic Piano PlanerNestPasJouer Repetitive TranceRelated songs:

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Cyborg Jeff (Pierre Martin)
Song Length: 4:56
Release Year: 1997
Song Status: Active
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For all the one who loved my piano’s melody from the year 1996, i would like to write a new song, with some trance aspect but with a lot of magical feeling… Inspirated from the sound track of the game Innerworld and using some excellent piano’s samples from Romeo Knight, the result are dreaming. I had mentioned that i was a lot inspirated from the Romeo Knight song, Boesendorfer, but after hearing it now, the both songs was enough different.
Planer n’est pas jouer was a master piece of the K7 Tape album realised in 1997 before being re-edited in a CD format and on Jamendo in 2007. On the original cover, you could see Lara Croft flying up a Chess play.
project : Planer n'est pas jouer
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Last Queued : 3 months, 1 week ago
This song has been played 39 times. [See Request History]
It was added 15 years, 4 months ago.
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Song Rating: 2.8 - Votes Placed: 25 View Voting HistoryA total of 3 users have this song on their favourites list.
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