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PC-XMLoad Tun 2:E,F,G,H by flag MPS (Claes Mellangard)
Requested By: djrandom
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Time Left: 2:30

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Song Information

Get a Life Have video

Author: flag Jeenio (Jorge Silva)

Uploaded By: flaganni

Song Length: 5:14
Release Year: 2011
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 262 kbps
Song Source: Compo Entry

Additional Information:

Ranked 15th in the streaming music compo at Revision 2011. Also used in Jeenio's entry for the animation compo and then later included in The Sound of SceneSat vol.2.

Once upon a time, in a land far away
I used to call my friends to play all day
We didn't have computers 'cause we couldn't pay
So we'd grab a ball, go outside and play

Even if I could, I wouldn't have it otherwise
I was just so happy to have fun and socialise
Sorry but that's something that I cannot compromise
Fat unhealthy kids, now that's something I despise

As I'm growing older, and wiser, I hope
All I need to live is to know that I'm free
But there are kids that are finding hard to cope
With being the only ones without a PS3

I never had a console, not until last year
My parents thought that playing was an uncreative thing
And now you have to own one, it's what I fear
My son will say "PlayStation" before he learns to sing!

Get out of your chair
Breathe some fresh air
Feel the wind in your hair
There is so much to see
Just fly and be free
Say goodbye to your PC and come fly with me

Get out of your chair...

Last Queued : 1 year, 3 months ago

This song has been played 25 times. [See Request History]
It was added 13 years, 11 months ago.

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Song Rating

Song Rating: 3.2 - Votes Placed: 23 View Voting History
A total of 4 users have this song on their favourites list.

Compilation / Remix Information

This Song Is Listed In The Following Compilations:

Compilation The Sound of SceneSat Volume 2


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Amiga&C64 rulez

Wtf? Issa scene related ?

Amiga&C64 rulez

Ok compete to revision was sure

symptomless coma

There is literally nothing more embarrassing than a Geman rapping. It was true in 1980s and it's true now.