
Song Information
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1993Related songs:

Wildwest Kid by

Killer Fish (Todd Showalter)
Late Nite Software Labs

Song Length: 1:43
Release Year: 1993
Song Status: Active *
Song Bitrate: 155 kbps
Song Legacy Flag: R
Song Source: Oldskool
Song Platform:
PC (other)
Additional Information:
MAS_UTrack_V003 Captain Nemo's Last Stand... By: Killer Fish (Todd Showalter) of Late Nite Software Labs --------------------------------Written on or about Oct/93. (c) I would like to take just as little responsibility for this little number as possible. I was in a crazed stupor when I wrote it, and I'm just sick enough to have enjoyed the results. Don't ask me why. The major reason for writing this was a nasty bass line I came up with, and memory of that cheap animated show "The Under- Sea Adventures Of Captain Nemo" or something like that. It used to run when I was a lil' nipper and I'll never forget how awful that show was so... If anyone wants or needs to contact me for a LEGITIMATE reason (if I get adds I'll find you and maim you) I can be reached by snail-mail at:
24 Broomfield Crt.
Brampton, Ontario,
Canada. L6Z-1T5.
I'm working on e-mail access. I gotta speed, keid, so I'll bid you goodbye...
Killer Fish
Last Queued : 9 months, 2 weeks ago
This song has been played 18 times. [See Request History]
It was added 13 years, 1 month ago.
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