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Take Me to the Bonuslevel Because I Need an Extralife by flag Felix [de] (Felix Heuser) , flag Kai (Kai Richter)
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Time Left: 2:52

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Song Information

PC-ITJest Super

Author: flag Xtense (Michał Stopa)

Uploaded By: flagShinobi

Song Length: 3:46
Song Status: Active *
Song Legacy Flag: R
Song Source: Chiptune
Song Platform: PlatformPC-IT

Additional Information:

"This is a chip-like tune made for the ReCover musicdisk, which covers a polish rock band's song (T-Love - Jest Super). Contains synthesized (lol! :) ) singing in polish, also lyrics with (not very good) english translation in comments. If, for some reason, the singing annoys you, just turn off channels #33-#37 :) . "

81 kb

Polish Lyrics (English):
e-mol, c-dur, a-mol, d-dur (x4)

Popatrz na wspaniale autostrady, (look at the great highways,)
Na drogi na ktorych nie znajdziesz wybojow, (On the roads on which you
won't find any holes).
Rosna nowe bloki i nie ma wypadkow, (New flats are rising, and there are
no accidents)
W czystych szpitalach ludzie umieraja rzadko. (In clean hospitals, people
die rarely.)

Mamy ekstra rzady i super-prezydenta, (We have a great government and a
Ci wszyscy ludzie to wspaniali fachowcy, (All of these people are
brilliant experts.)
Ufam im i wiem, ze wybralem swoja przyszlosc, (I trust them and i know,
that i've chosen my future)
Za reke poprowadza mnie do Europy. (Hand-in-hand, they'll guide me to

Ref. (Chorus.)
Jest Super, Jest Super, wiec o co ci chodzi?(x2) (It's super, it's super,
so what is wrong with you?)
Wiec o co Ci chodzi? Jest super, jest super! (So what's wrong with you?
It's super, It's super!)
Wiec o co Ci chodzi? Jest super! (So what's wrong with you? It's super!)

Mamy tolerancje wobec innych upodoban, (We are tolerant over other
Kosciol zaciekle broni najbiedniejszych, (The Church fiercely defends the
Bogaci sa fajni i w miare uczciwi, (The rich are cool, and mostly fair,)
Policja surowo karze zlych przestepcow. (The police severly punishes bad

e-mol, c-dur, a-mol, d-dur (x2)

Ref. (Chorus)

Last Queued : 3 weeks, 1 day ago

This song has been played 45 times. [See Request History]
It was added 12 years, 12 months ago.

Extra Resources: Pouet

Song Rating

Song Rating: 3.4 - Votes Placed: 30 View Voting History
A total of 5 users have this song on their favourites list.

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symptomless coma

probably my favourite Hawkingcore track