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PC-ITEternam e Musica by flag Cyborg Jeff (Pierre Martin)
Requested By: flagTriace
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Time Left: 4:51

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Song Information


Author: flag Maf (Benoît Charcosset)Deceased

Song Length: 1:09
Release Year: 1996
Song Status: Active
Song Source: Oldskool
Song Platform: PlatformAMIGA-MOD

Additional Information:


Il était une fois
Un petit nougat qui se baladait
(Lilalilali lalalalala)
Il était heureux

Mais il n'avait plus de maison,
Marchait sans aucune raison
(Lilalilali lalalalala
Prün bambam poum)

Heiiin, un méchant coyote
Attention à toi, petit nougat
Mais le nougat se défend
Il bouffe le coyote


* Translation:

Once upon a time,
There was a small nougat walking around
(Lilalilali lalalalala)
He was happy

But he had no more house,
Was walking without a purpose
(Lilalilali lalalalala
Prün bambam poum)

Huuuh, an evil coyote
Pay attention, little nougat
But the nougat defends itself
He eats the coyote

Last Queued : 2 months, 1 week ago

This song has been played 108 times. [See Request History]
It was added 16 years, 5 months ago.

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Song Rating

Song Rating: 2.5 - Votes Placed: 94 View Voting History
A total of 22 users have this song on their favourites list.

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User Comments

User Song Comment

* Lyrics:

Il était une fois
Un petit nougat qui se baladait
(Lilalilali lalalalala)
Il était heureux

Mais il n'avait plus de maison,
Marchait sans aucune raison
(Lilalilali lalalalala
Prün bambam poum)

Heiiin, un méchant coyote
Attention à toi, petit nougat
Mais le nougat se défend
Il bouffe le coyote


* Translation:

Once upon a time,
There was a small nougat walking around
(Lilalilali lalalalala)
He was happy

But he had no more house,
Was walking without a purpose
(Lilalilali lalalalala
Prün bambam poum)

Huuuh, an evil coyote
Pay attention, little nougat
But the nougat defends itself
He eats the coyote


Quite funny

[Yes Info Line]

i lold

9 millenia,

Melody sounds a little like Fool's Garden - "Lemon Tree"


Agreed, prowler. Not just a little

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