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PC-XM#000000 Space (Black Space) by flag Mano (Ulf Wikström)
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Time Left: 1:32

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Song Information

PC-S3MEi Sätkiä Sälleille

Author: flag Chanel5 (Eero Lempinen) , flag Cyrbas GroupJeskola! Productions

Song Length: 4:39
Song Status: Active
Song Source: Oldskool
Song Platform: PlatformPC-S3M

Additional Information:



This is our cigarette song,
(saying) that smokers could quit

smoke no more than five per day,
that's what we're trying to teach

we don't care about smoking,
it took us all our money,
wonder why those schoolboys still are willing
to pay so much for cigarettes?

tobacco, pipe and cigar,
are all dangerous to one's health,
no matter if you're a bum or a nerd**,
don't take smoking as your habit

smoke no more than five per day,
that's what we're trying to teach



we don't like smoking,
but tell about its disadvantages
smoking brings tar into the lungs,
wet and sticky as (laughs)***

new lyrics after 1st verse & chorus:

no rollies for guys (the song title)

when the bass drum stops:

we don't like smoking,
and nor do we love a pipe,
it might also depend on one's age
whether one smokes a rollie or a pipe

spoken: människor, röka inte [is swedish and means: people, do not smoke]

spoken: hey, put all the cigarettes out

*) V.M.L. = Vaajakosken Mieslaulajat (The Male Singers of Vaajakoski), Vaajakoski being probably the location of the school in which this song was made as a part of some video project
**) "hikari" = a person who gets high grades
***) at this point listener may expect to hear a word "sperm" since it would make a rhyme (tervaa - spermaa) but one hears laughs instead

composed & backing vocals by Chanel5
lyrics & vocals by Cyrbas/nis

Last Queued : 2 months, 3 weeks ago

This song has been played 126 times. [See Request History]
It was added 16 years, 5 months ago.

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Song Rating

Song Rating: 2.4 - Votes Placed: 152 View Voting History
A total of 31 users have this song on their favourites list.

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User Comments

User Song Comment
double u[t][f];

Bail us out!

is that so...

it might be better if a woman was singing this


it might be better if nobody was singing this


It might have been better if noone were playing this

Steadily at the low level



This is our smoking* song,
(saying) that smoking could be stopped (?)

smoke no more than five per day,
that's what we're trying to teach

we don't care about smoking,
it took us all our money,
-why those schoolboys still want
to pay so much for cigarettes?

tobacco, cigar and pipe,
are all dangerous to health,
no matter if you're a bum or a nerd**,
don't take smoking as your habit

smoke no more than five per day,
that's what we're trying to teach



we don't like smoking,
but tell about its disadvantages
smoking brings tar to lungs,
wet and sticky as (laughs)

new lyrics after 1st verse & chorus:

spoken: no rollies for guys (song title)

(when bass drum stops)
we don't like smoking,
and we don't also love pipe,
it might also depend on (one's) age
whether one smokes rollie or pipe

*) "tupakka" = tobacco = smoking
**) "hikari" = person who gets good grades

(have no idea what letters P.M.L. indicate)

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