Rapture (11:59:05) less typing here is a neat idea? hm, yeppo!
d_vibe (11:58:59) YouTube Link
Rapture (11:58:51) maybe I can work faster today so I can see some daylight when going outside
Rapture (11:58:27) celine dion stuffo
Rapture (11:58:22) haha.. thx mirror for titanic req
Rapture (11:58:09) too obvious silly
Rapture (11:58:03) I would NEVER go down to calling dat new gosling character Ryan, never
Rapture (11:57:12) dvibe: mean rude swearers!
Rapture (11:56:37) mirror plssssssss search
d_vibe (11:56:35) They swear about that the lost the game
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