mirrorbird (18:23:38) can't really redir the main search, as the fast one lacks some features, & is not instantly updated
juN3bula (18:21:04) thx mate
zoi (18:18:32) could the FAQ shrink by one size if we redirect the search link?
zoi (18:18:17) or even more user friendly, the search link could point straight there
zoi (18:18:01) feels like that's something that could be in the FAQ
Fireflame (17:30:33) Cheers!
mirrorbird (17:19:02) you may want to know about this search, it's so much faster -- https://nectarine.ers35.net
Fireflame (17:15:47) I put in an artist correction but it looked like it failed. It has been corrected quick though
Fireflame (17:14:17) Lol that was meant to go in search
Fireflame (17:14:01) Fear and wonder
Time Left: 1:20
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